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14 Aug 2017 10:25 AM | Anonymous

On July 27 & 28 over 300 educators took part each day in our annual Festival of Learning; Digicon. DigiCon17 was conducted at Australian Catholic University in Fitzroy and included workshops, an Exhibitor Expo and keynotes by Tony Brandenburg, Bec Spink, Holly Ransom and William Grame.

Adobe's Tim Kitchen produced a video wrap up of the event (below) using Premiere Pro, Premiere Clip, Photoshop and Apple’s GarageBand linked with Adobe’s Audition for the music. 

Many of the workshop presenters shared their resources, which you can find at the DigiCon site. The organising committee would like to thank the presenters, delegates, sponsors, volunteers and ACU staff who made DigiCon17 such a success. They are already thinking about DigiCon18, so keep an eye out for updates about next year.

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