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In 2022 DLTV, with support from the Careers Education Association of Victoria and the Department of Education Victoria, interviewed six IT professionals. The professionals are involved in diverse careers in the IT industry  including Cybersecurity, Game Design, Web Design and Development, Teaching, Robotics and Software Development. 

Each of the professionals responded to questions about how they began their career, what is involved in their day to day work, what subjects at secondary school they pursued, the challenges and rewards their chosen career provided and future job prospects in their industry.

Each of the interviews is accompanied in a module with relevant and highly detailed resources to assist teachers when working with their students on career advice. Career Educators and Homeroom teachers would find the Teachers Guide, Lesson plans and Student worksheets most valuable and motivating for their students. 

The site can be accessed at;

Connecting Learning to Work - Girls in Digitech

DLTV, again with support from CEAA and DET, has produced a resource designed for teachers to encourage girls to consider IT as a secondary subject choice, further education or career option.

The resource comprises a set of stimulus video interviews with career and IT educators discussing ways to encourage female students to consider  IT careers or subject choices. These could act as a springboard into class discussions, activities or further research.

The panel interview welcomed students from Melbourne Girls Grammar School, Ave Maria College and Collingwood College all considering their career options and subject selections. They were able to  ask questions of women professionals - Kimberly Hall from Google,  Emily Pendlebury from Cybercx and Nicci Rossouw -from Exaptec 

Teacher Guides, Lesson Plans and Student worksheets accompany the panel webinar. 

The site can be accessed at;

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