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Event details

Shepparton: Coding, Makerspaces and the Victorian Technologies Curriculum

  • 8 Jun 2017
  • 10:30 AM - 3:15 PM
  • Shepparton High School, 31-71 Hawdon St, Shepparton


  • A discounted rate is available for DLTV members. Sign in to access this discount. Price includes GST
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From 2017 all Victorian Government and Catholic Schools are required to implement the new Victorian Technologies Curriculum. The curriculum covers a range of new and exciting content as well as sharing links with a number of other curriculum areas under the heading of STEAM. It also draws heavily on ways of thinking about design, systems, coding and making.

This four hour workshop will involve a mix of hands-on experiences as well as an exploration of resources which can be used to support the curriculum. It will provide:

  • a rationale for the introduction of the curriculum
  • a look at the principles underpinning the curriculum.
  • an in-depth look at the two subject areas included in the curriculum i.e. Digital Technologies and Design and Technologies
  • a hands-on exploration of teaching approaches which enhance delivery of this curriculum including experiences with Design Thinking, Computational Thinking and Systems Thinking
  • links to websites that can be used to resource the curriculum
  • a chance to explore a range of games, apps and third party options including robots and control technologies

The venue is  Shepparton High School, 31-71 Hawdon St, Shepparton.

Lunch will be provided and served at 12.30-1.20.

Presenter information: 

Having spent more than thirty years teaching in primary schools John Pearce now tutors at Deakin University.

John’s ongoing interest in both science and the use of ICT across the curriculum has seen him present at local, national and international conferences. Lately he has become interested in digital curriculum including coding and Makerspaces.

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