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Webinar: Programming in the Digital Technologies curriculum (F-10)

  • 15 Mar 2018
  • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Online- via Adobe Connect


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Presenters: Daryl Croke and Richard Fox (VCAA Specialist Teachers)

This webinar will be for teachers of the Digital Technologies curriculum from F-10 exploring programming languages for the first time. The session will provide an overview of the Creating Digital Solutions strand, the importance of the ways of thinking and taking the step from creating an algorithm to application with a programming language. There will also be a discussion of a variety of programming environments, various applications and resources. This webinar will be suitable for all F-10 Digital Technologies teachers.


§   Overview of the Creating Digital Solutions strand

§   Ways of thinking

§   From algorithms to programming languages

§   A look at some common programming environments (visual, general purpose and object-oriented)

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