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Event details

Digital Technologies Curriculum and Skills Workshop

  • 6 Mar 2020
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Ashby Primary School, Waratah Street, Geelong West
  • 11


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full-day training session to prepare teachers F-10 to teach the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. This workshop provides an introduction of the concepts and goals of the Digital Technologies curriculum, as well as providing teachers with practical programming assistance to deliver the new curriculum in their classrooms.

The workshop involves a curriculum overview adapted for Victorian Curriculum, followed by a programming introduction using the Australian Digital Technologies Challenges developed by the ACA.

Also, discover the wide range of classroom electronics, robotics and online resources available to schools, and receive advice on their various pros and cons.

Digital Technologies Workshops are offered through 2020 by DLTV on behalf of the Australian Computing Academy (for the University of Sydney).

Example Activities

  • Unplugged cryptography activity (rot cipher)

  • ACA Challenge - Blockly and Python Chatbot

  • ACA Challenge - Turtle

  • Visual and text programming

  • Coding the BBC micro:bit

  • Resources and Activities Roadshow

Who Should Attend?

  • Primary and secondary teachers looking to improve their understanding of the Digital Technologies curriculum

  • Teachers and technology leaders seeking resources to support the implementation of the curriculum

About the presenter

Daryl English has always been fascinated by the ways Digital Learning can enhance the educational outcomes of students. He has held a range of eLearning related positions, as a teacher of ICT, Ultranet Coach, 1:1 Project Officer for the DET, and as an eLearning coach. His most recent and exciting work was as Assistant Principal 21st Century Learning at a large P-9 College in Melbourne’s West.

Daryl is a highly skilled presenter in the field of Digital Education including presentations at BETT Singapore, Edutech Sydney, Future Schools Melbourne, Digicon, ACMI and many other venues across Victoria and NSW.

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