Part of our Online Teaching webinar series. Safe, responsible and ethical use of digital technology is even more relevant in this time of learning from home and “anywhere anytime" learning.
The line between home and school has never been more blurred and this has given us an opportunity to look at our role as educators and the ways we can make the learning authentic and relevant for our students and families. The filters are off at home so our roles as educators have never been more important in how we teach, and what our students learn about cyberbullying, data and privacy and risk-assessment.
Those of you joining in this DLTV session may be leaders in your school when it comes to setting up virtual, emerging learning opportunities for your students and working with others to educate (more than keep) your students to be safe, responsible and ethical users of all technologies.
This session will provide you with ideas, activities and resources to share with your fellow teachers. Some of those will be activities teachers can use to direct at home learning including investigation of social media sites. Others will be a means by which to build student voice and advocacy into your policies.
Who Should Attend?
About the presenter
Sandy Phillips is currently Digital Technology Adviser stem.T4L Project, Department of Education NSW. She also Lectures at the UNSW in the School of Education in Digital Literacies.
She was also the UNESCO Australian Associated Schools Coordinator. Asia/ Pacific working on the development of media education programs.
Teaching is her background. She worked in both Victorian schools and Vic DET for almost 35 years (she didn’t get that certificate!!) but did unpack a box at school that turned out to be the internet.
In her various roles she has been a teacher, school ICT Coordinator, Manager of FUSE, Global2 and The Victorian Games and Apps Challenge, The Education in Games Summit and the set-up of the Digitech Start-up Project.
She has also lead many of the policies and programs in DET Vic around safe and responsible use of Digital Technologies and worked with National bodies around Cyber safety and Cyber bullying. She has written and developed resources for the eSafety commission and is a true believer in empowering teachers and students to use emerging technologies to enjoy, communicate and learn.
Daryl English has always been fascinated by the ways Digital Learning can enhance the educational outcomes of students. He has held a range of eLearning related positions, as a teacher of ICT, Ultranet Coach, 1:1 Project Officer for the DET, and as an eLearning coach. His most recent and exciting work was as Assistant Principal 21st Century Learning at a large P-9 College in Melbourne’s West.
Daryl is a highly skilled presenter in the field of Digital Education including presentations at BETT Singapore, Edutech Sydney, Future Schools Melbourne, Digicon, ACMI and many other venues across Victoria and NSW.
This event was made possible by support from the Victorian Department of Education and Training.