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Event details

Supporting students with the Innovative Project (Unit 2 Outcome 1)

  • 23 Mar 2022
  • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Online webinar: joining details after registration


Registration is closed

This webinar is designed for VCE Applied Computing teachers.

While 2020 and 2021 have posed extra challenges, teachers across Victoria have reported exciting ideas and products from their student teams in the  Innovative Project task (Unit 2 Outcome 1).

In this webinar, members of our VCE Subcommittee will present and host a discussion about ways to support students in the project selection and management aspects of this outcome.

  • Are students trained in one technology to implement their project, or do they choose their own?
  • Is there value in exposing Units 1 & 2 students to project development models like AGILE?
  • What happens when students struggle to come up with ideas?

Who Should Attend?

  • VCE Applied Computing teachers.

About the hosts

Roland Gesthuizen is a member of DLTV's VCE Subcommittee. He teaches VCE Applied Computing Units 1 & 2 and Units 3 & 4 Data Analytics at Virtual School Victoria.

Janene Watt currently teaches Digital Technologies Wellington Secondary College, and is also a member of DLTV's VCE Subcommittee.

Kellie-Jane Winter is currently the Head of eLearning at The Geelong College, where she enjoys leading staff in the academic program from Early Learning through to Year 12 with their use of technology in the classroom, as well as being a member of the school’s Academic Executive. She has developed curriculum at many year levels, including most recently VCE Applied Computing Units 1 & 2. 

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