The Annual General Meeting of Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria will be held on the 29th May 2017. This is a great opportunity to reflect on the past year in the area of digital learning and teaching, hear from some great speakers and network with DLTV members. We are also looking for members who wish to join the Committee of Membership.

Register for the free event here
29th May 2017
6pm: Welcome
Michael Henderson, Monash University |Creativity, wickedness and Digital technologies
Paula Christophersen | Digital Technologies Curriculum
Melinda Cashen, DLTV President |Looking ahead with DLTV
7.00pm: Annual General Meeting
7.15pm: Networking with refreshments
This is to advise you of the upcoming annual general meeting of the members of Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria. The details of this meeting are as follows:
Date: 29th May 2017
Time: 6pm
Place: 61 Blyth Street, Brunswick 3056
Please use links to the following documents:
At the meeting, members will have the opportunity to:
- find out about DLTV’s operations and finances
- ask questions about the operations and finances of Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria
- speak about any items on the agenda
- vote on any resolutions proposed.
At the meeting, members will be asked to vote to:
- accept the minutes of the last annual general meeting
- accept the annual report
- accept the auditor’s report
- accept the annual financial statements
- elect Committee of Management.
If you are unable to make the meeting you may appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf. Proxy appointments must be received by the chairperson by COB Monday 8th May 2017.
Please note that Individual financial members are invited to nominate for the Committee of Management of DLTV.
Please submit your nomination form to by COB 26th May 2017.
If you submit a nomination form you will need to be in attendance at the AGM on 29th May 2017 or otherwise appoint a proxy to vote and speak if required on your behalf.
Being on the Committee of Management is an exciting opportunity to have your input into the direction of this vibrant organisation that aims to serve pre-service teachers through to principals engaged in digital learning from the early years to VCE/VET and careers in technology.
Members of the Committee of Management are educators who demonstrate a commitment to effective teaching with the Digital Technologies Curriculum; understand the trends in learning technologies and education in Victoria and nationally; are great communicators and strong advocates for all educators and learner; and can represent the interests of the DLTV member community.
Should you wish to get more information or seek clarifications regarding joining the DLTV Committee of Management, please feel free to contact Melinda Cashen, President at