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  • 14 Aug 2017 10:25 AM | Anonymous

    On July 27 & 28 over 300 educators took part each day in our annual Festival of Learning; Digicon. DigiCon17 was conducted at Australian Catholic University in Fitzroy and included workshops, an Exhibitor Expo and keynotes by Tony Brandenburg, Bec Spink, Holly Ransom and William Grame.

    Adobe's Tim Kitchen produced a video wrap up of the event (below) using Premiere Pro, Premiere Clip, Photoshop and Apple’s GarageBand linked with Adobe’s Audition for the music. 

    Many of the workshop presenters shared their resources, which you can find at the DigiCon site. The organising committee would like to thank the presenters, delegates, sponsors, volunteers and ACU staff who made DigiCon17 such a success. They are already thinking about DigiCon18, so keep an eye out for updates about next year.

  • 4 Aug 2017 11:27 AM | Anonymous

    At DigiCon17 last week DLTV president Mel Cashen was proud to be able to present Paula Christophersen with the prestigious ISTE Making IT Happen Award. 

    Paula has been a tireless worker in the education community, advocating for the Digital Technologies in all aspects of schooling. Paula was the Curriculum Manager for Digital Technologies for VCAA, played a vital role in writing the new Australian Curriculum, and is a wonderful supporter of teachers everywhere. Paula has made an incredible contribution to DLTV and to education in general. She is a generous colleague who is always willing to share her knowledge of teaching and learning. 

    The Making IT Happen award honours outstanding educators and leaders who demonstrate extraordinary commitment, leadership, courage and persistence in improving digital learning opportunities for students. Since its inception in 1995 more than 500 educators from around the world have received the award.

    Everyone at DLTV would like to congratulate Paula for the prestigious award and for becoming part of such a select group. We feel it is a fitting acknowledgement of the amazing work she has done for many years, and for her contribution to a global community of educators.

  • 5 Jul 2017 10:25 AM | Anonymous

    DLTV is excited to be involved in the Digi-Tech Start-Up Grants initiative, which will see 150 secondary schools from across Victoria receive grants of $10,000 each. 

    The grants will be allocated to support secondary schools with the purchase of equipment related to the digital technologies curriculum. The project will also include professional learning events for teachers of participating schools, which will be coordinated by Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria. 

    In launching the project at Mount Alexander College on Friday, July 1, Minister for Education James Merlino highlighted the importance of digital technologies across the curriculum. “We want to make sure that our schools have the best facilities and equipment to give our kids the best chance to succeed. This funding will give more students the ability to learn hands-on with new technology and prepare them for the jobs of the future.”

    Full details of the grants and application process will be published soon on the DLTV site. Stay tuned to our e-news for further updates.

    Watch the Channel 7 news report on the launch

  • 24 Jun 2017 6:28 PM | Anonymous

    DLTV is pleased to announce the 2017 awards winners. 

    Outstanding Educator of the Year 2017 | Narissa Leung

    Narissa is a  principal at Campbell's Creek Primary School in central Victoria. Her professional commitment clearly extends beyond her own school context as she expands her Professional Learning Network though the DLTV, ACCE, MAV, and various levels of the Department of Education and Training.

    Narissa works tirelessly to improve her own school community, aims to build capacity of those she works with in her wider networks, and inspires others to their full potential.

    Her mantra that she lives be is “Be Curious, Be Brilliant, Be the Change”; a call for all students and teachers to be active life-long learners.

    As an active member of a wide variety of professional organisations, including DLTV, Narissa’s knowledge in the role of technology is current and continually developing. 

    Outstanding Leader of the Year 2017 | Steve Brophy

    As an educator with over 17 years experience, Steve always strives to break new ground and lead positive change in the promotion of ICT use in the classroom. In his current role as the Director of ICT & eLearning at Ivanhoe Grammar, Steve drives the strategic development of technology use for learning across two campuses. He has worked tirelessly to embed technology into the fabric of school life. 3D printing, virtual debating, app development, coding, digital leadership have been interwoven into his curriculum to provide all students access to new experiences, cutting edge technology and important digital skillsets. 

    In recognition of innovation and leadership, Steve was chosen as a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert in 2016 and an Apple Distinguished Educator in 2017.

    In Steve’s time at Ivanhoe Grammar School, he has expertly and firmly lead and guided the School to the forefront of educational leadership and innovation in ICT. He has transformed pedagogy in the classrooms and the functionality of administrative systems. Steve refuses to accept the ordinary and is an exceptional and inspiring leader with an outstanding degree of integrity and initiative. He leads ‘by doing’, inspiring staff to ‘have a go’ and ‘break new ground’. Steve encourages teachers to experiment with original ideas and his positive nature develops confidence in even the most fearful of technology. In his leadership role Steve takes the initiative to identify problems and devise solutions.

  • 4 May 2017 10:19 PM | Anonymous

    DLTV is proud to acknowledge Victorian educators who contribute to promoting digital learning and teaching, using technology to the educational advancement of their students and have a significant positive effect on colleagues across Victoria.

    DLTV recognises outstanding leaders, educators and service of DLTV through the following award categories:

    DLTV Outstanding Educator of the Year

    DLTV Outstanding Leader of the Year

    DLTV Digital Technologies Educator of the Year

    Maggie Iaquinto Leader of the Year

    We re currently calling for all nominations for teachers and leaders in these categories. More information can be found on the DLTV Awards page.

    If you know someone who has made an outstanding contribution, using technology, to the educational advancement of their students and/or have had a significant positive effect on their colleagues, both at school level and within professional associations we urge you to nominate them for a DLTV award to recognise the contribution they have made.

    Nominations close 31st May 2017

    Submit your nomination 

  • 4 May 2017 10:07 PM | Anonymous

    It is with great pleasure that ICT Educators NSW has agreed to host the 2018 Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACCE) Conference in Sydney, one of the great world cities (although some might say I’m biased).

    Many of you may have visited Sydney before, but we want to invite you, and your families, to experience a side of the city you may not have seen before.  Sydney is the Australian base for many of the significant technology, film and media companies. We will offer you an opportunity for a ‘behind-the-scenes’ view.

    The conference will be held during school holidays and we encourage you to bring the whole family to let them enjoy all that Sydney has to offer during this period.  There will be a number of family-friendly events to complement the conference activities, such as bike rides, picnics, beach parties, sporting activities and scavenger hunts that will keep those who accompany you busy while you explore the increasingly complex world of Digital Technologies.

    The theme of the 2018 conference is ImpaCT, and our presenters will be given the challenge of demonstrating how we can ensure maximum effect on student learning using the technologies we employ.

    Additionally, we will be doing a health check on the rollout of Technology Curriculum and ensuring the many resources produced to support this can be shared.

    As is expected at an ACCE conference, prominent Australian and international speakers will be featured, as will be a range of pre and post-conference workshops and tours, a trade exhibition, and a full social program.

    There’s also some fun to be had working with our venue,  Randwick Race Course. Plan to experience a Day at the Races and all the over-the-top accessories that that might involve.

    Please put the conference dates in your diaries, 2-5 October, 2018 now and we encourage you to consider adding a few days either side to experience all that Sydney has to offer the entire family.

    Visit the ACCE 2018 Website

    Leanne Cameron

    ACCE2018 Conference Convener

  • 13 Apr 2017 7:00 PM | Anonymous

    The Annual General Meeting of Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria will be held on the 29th May 2017. This is a great opportunity to reflect on the past year in the area of digital learning and teaching, hear from some great speakers and network with DLTV members. We are also looking for members who wish to join the Committee of Membership.

    Register for the free event here

    29th May 2017

    6pm: Welcome

    Michael Henderson, Monash University |Creativity, wickedness and Digital technologies

    Paula Christophersen | Digital Technologies Curriculum

    Melinda Cashen, DLTV President |Looking ahead with DLTV

    7.00pm: Annual General Meeting

    7.15pm: Networking with refreshments

    This is to advise you of the upcoming annual general meeting of the members of Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria. The details of this meeting are as follows:

    Date: 29th May 2017

    Time: 6pm

    Place: 61 Blyth Street, Brunswick 3056

    Please use links to the following documents:

    At the meeting, members will have the opportunity to:

    • find out about DLTV’s operations and finances
    • ask questions about the operations and finances of Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria
    • speak about any items on the agenda
    • vote on any resolutions proposed.

    At the meeting, members will be asked to vote to:

    • accept the minutes of the last annual general meeting
    • accept the annual report
    • accept the auditor’s report
    • accept the annual financial statements
    • elect Committee of Management.

    If you are unable to make the meeting you may appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf. Proxy appointments must be received by the chairperson by COB Monday 8th May 2017.


    Please note that Individual financial members are invited to nominate for the Committee of Management of DLTV.

    Please submit your nomination form to by COB 26th May 2017.

    If you submit a nomination form you will need to be in attendance at the AGM on 29th May 2017 or otherwise appoint a proxy to vote and speak if required on your behalf.

    Being on the Committee of Management is an exciting opportunity to have your input into the direction of this vibrant organisation that aims to serve pre-service teachers through to principals engaged in digital learning from the early years to VCE/VET and careers in technology.

    Members of the Committee of Management are educators who demonstrate a commitment to effective teaching with the Digital Technologies Curriculum; understand the trends in learning technologies and education in Victoria and nationally; are great communicators and strong advocates for all educators and learner; and can represent the interests of the DLTV member community.

    Should you wish to get more information or seek clarifications regarding joining the DLTV Committee of Management, please feel free to contact Melinda Cashen, President at

  • 12 Apr 2017 7:56 AM | Anonymous

    DLTV is pleased to announce two keynote speakers for #DigiCon17.

    Tony Brandenburg

    Tony  is  an internationally recognized educator who has worked tirelessly for more than thirty five years in education and learning, with a focus on technology.  In 2010, he was made a Fellow of the Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACCE), recognizing his work in the field and is a life member of DLTV. At present, he is a freelance consultant with responsibility for several high profile global programs, focusing on professional learning, teacher standards and system change. He manages the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) global initiatives, the ISTE global outreach program and ISTE’s global education partnership and collaborators’ agenda, he is employed as a consultant to UNESCO and provides consultancy support to number of South East Asian and Middle Eastern Ministries of Education. He also provides advice and consultancy to several global non-for profit organizations. He has managed many large-scale projects including many education and technology projects for the Australian government.

    His presentation, in story telling format, will look at the issues he confronts as he represents global organizations on the world stage.  His hope is that by sharing what he has experienced and learnt with UNESO, ISTE and other similar organizations, educators around the world will have a better understanding of what it is to be a truly global educator and, importantly, understand that all teachers have a global responsibility.

    Bec Spink

    Bec Spink, co-founder of Code the Future, will share her journey as a leader in educational technology and what brought her to start her own not for profit to help children code.

    Bec Spink is an Assistant Principal at Aitken Creek Primary School in the northern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia and has a Master of Education specialising in Knowledge Networks and Digital Innovation. In 2013 Bec was awarded the Victorian Department of Education and Training Education Excellence Award for Primary Teacher of the Year for outstanding contributions and dedication towards leading classroom innovation.

    Bec is a co-founder of Code the Future ( An award winning not for profit organisation that connects schools and teachers with the technology industry to empower children to solve real world problems through learning to code.
    Bec is a contemporary educator, leader and speaker, having presented at conferences and events both nationally and internationally. Bec continuously supports and advocates for the next wave of change in schools.

    Follow #DigiCon17 on twitter to hear the announcement of two more keynotes in the coming weeks or check the website.

  • 8 Apr 2017 9:56 AM | Anonymous


    The Australian Council for Computing in Education (ACCE) in conjunction with the Australian Computer Society (ACS) is pleased to announce that Eleni Kyritsis, of Firbank College Melbourne, has been judged as Educator of the Year.

    Eleni is an enthusiastic and passionate educator who is currently teaching Year 6 who provides students with engaging and effective opportunities to learn through the authentic incorporation of technology in her classroom.

    She was nominated for this award by Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria whose president, Mel Cashen commented:

    “Eleni’s belief in the need to create a flexible and connected classroom is lived daily through the use of her personal blog, her Year 6 class blog, Twitter, Google Hangouts and Skype. In addition, she is an active advocate for the use of technology both within her school, and in the global community. She is constantly exploring new ideas that will assist teachers to integrate technology across all facets of the curriculum and to enable their students to share their learning locally and internationally.“

    Eleni also leads professional learning days for schools across Victoria, Australia and New Zealand. She has taken on the role of mentor for the Google Certified Innovator program, inspiring and coaching her mentee to develop a project to impact positive change within education, and works at Australian Catholic University as a Tutor to empower pre-service teachers to be active, globally connected teachers when graduated.

    “Eleni has presented at a broad variety of conferences as well as presenting and supporting teachers in various schools through both professional learning sessions and her regular planning, organisation and presentations on her monthly TeachTechPlay webshow.” said Martin Levins, President of ACCE, “She regularly writes articles for the Australian Council for Educational Leadership, Education Today, and other technology magazines around Australia.”

    The award of Educator of the Year carries a $2 000 prize, kindly sponsored by the Australian Computer Society is to be used to further the awardee’s professional learning.

  • 20 Feb 2017 8:00 AM | Anonymous

    DLTV is excited to offer a 10% discount to all DLTV members for the National Future Schools conference and expo. To receive the discount code please email with teh subject heading Future Schools Code.

    The National FutureSchools Expo is for ALL Principals, teachers, K-12 executive teams, special needs coordinators, curriculum leaders, early childhood teachers and ICT managers/integrators.

    Held at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre over 22- 24 March 2017€“ it is Australia'€™s largest schools focused event. With five masterclasses and conferences covering STEM, leadership, digital technologies, early years and special education, you are encouraged to bring your team/colleagues and maximise your school'€™s professional development investment.



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